Redevelopment of Snack Food Manufacturing Facility
PTS was contracted by a snack food manufacturer to manage a project to redevelop a 100,000 square foot manufacturing site into a snack food manufacturing and packaging facility to food grade GMP standards. The scope of work for the building upgrades included:
- Complete Roof Replacement
- New interior IMP walls, offices, lab, sanitation rooms, electrical rooms
- New sprinkler system in 50% of building
- New lighting throughout manufacturing area
- Four new docks
- New truck scale and access drive
- Improvements to storm water and sanitary discharge lines
- Upsize water meter/service
- Add 2000 KVA service, substation and electrical distribution and new process loads
- New building ventilation including A/C for packaging room (PTS designed and installed building automation system)
- Processing and packaging lines
- Process oil distribution piping and control system (designed and installed by PTS)
- New compressed air loop and new compressors
- Nitrogen Piping
- New hot water boiler and loop for sanitation
- CO2 fire suppression system
- New wastewater building addition
PTS was requested to act as an Owner’s representative for the client to manage the overall project and perform additional services throughout. Project tasks managed and completed by PTS included:
- Developed scope of work, solicited bids, and selected:
- General Contractor for Construction
- Architect and engineers for building and MEP design
- Electrical and mechanical installation contractors
- Riggers
- Completed a utility study including a utility matrix showing available utilities before and after construction
- Developed single line electric drawings for the facility
PTS project manager, Dan Matson, acted as the owner’s representative to manage the overall project. Dan worked full time on the project and was on-site daily for over a year. His dedication ensured a successful project for the customer. By March of 2022, the building upgrades were complete, all equipment installed, and the facility was operational. The client did not have internal project management staff available and instead relied on Dan’s experience and project management skills to complete their major facility development. The trust in PTS paid off with a successful project and the facility is now in production for the client.

Ready to Start Your Snack Food Manufacturing Facility Project?